Definition of English Language (EL) Proficiency in Illinois

  • Currently, Illinois ELs’ English proficiency is assessed annually, in listening, speaking, reading and writing, using WIDA’s ACCESS for ELLs.  Students who meet or exceed IL proficiency levels may be transitioned from the TBE/TPI program as allowed under Part 228 of the IL Administrative Code. Students in Illinois who obtain a composite (overall) proficiency level of 4.8 will be considered English language proficient.  The district’s English Learner (EL) teachers will use these results to assist them in planning appropriate English instructional support.  They will continue to collaborate with other faculty/staff to ensure the development of a strong academic program where your child will feel successful.

EL Services Eligibility

  • Gavin School District’s procedure for identifying and assessing pre-kindergarten through eighth grade ELs follows the procedures outlined in Article 14C of the Illinois Administrative Code. All language minority students identified from the District 37 Home Language Survey as coming from families where there is another language spoken in the home must be assessed using the ACCESS/WIDA Placement Test (W-APT). All ELs are reported each year to the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) through the Public School Census.

    A copy of the District 37 Home Language Survey for all entering students is sent for review to the EL Department. The Bilingual Testing Facilitator reviews the Home Language Survey of registered students to identify which students must be assessed. The home language survey contains the State mandated questions used to identify which students qualify for English language proficiency testing.

    As applicable, the Bilingual Testing Facilitator calls the families and arranges a date for testing the student. District 37 early childhood staff in the state pre-kindergarten program also compile a list of all pre-kindergarten EL students to be tested. Pre-kindergarten ELs not enrolled in a District 37 early childhood program are identified for testing from the Home Language Survey when they register.

    Screening-Pre-kindergarten : On the Pre-IPT-4th Edition, Oral Designation, 3 year-old students must achieve Levels D/E; 4/5 year-old students must achieve Level E to be considered fluent English speaking (FES).   

    Screening-Kindergarten through 1st grade, first semester: As of 1-1-14, students entering the 1st semester of Kindergarten must score at least a 5.0 composite ORAL proficiency level on the WIDA MODEL to be considered English language proficient.  Students entering the 2nd semester of Kdg through first semester of 1st grade must score an overall composite proficiency level of 5.0 as well as a reading proficiency level of 4.2 and a writing proficiency level of 4.2 on the WIDA MODEL to be considered English language proficient. 

    Screening-1st grade, second semester through 12th Grade: As of 1-1-14, students entering 2nd semester of 1st grade through 12th grade must achieve an overall composite proficiency level of 5.0 as well as a reading proficiency level of 4.2 and a writing proficiency level of 4.2 on the W-APT to be considered English language proficient.

    A student who scores below minimum proficiency levels is EL, and is eligible for TBE/TPI services.